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Issue B


Image of Issue B

w o r d s
B / Ballard / Balls / Baraka / Bareness / Bataille / Batik / Beauty / Bereft / Bergson / Betrayl / Between / Binary / Black/Back / Bloom / Blue / Body of Work / Body, Body Without Organs, Broken and Bruised / Bogus / Bokashi / Bonds / Boredom / Bore holes / Broken / Brotherhood / Build / Burial / Bus Stops

c o n t r i b u t o r s
Jana Hawkins – Andersen / Grace Blake / James H Bollen / Stephanie Burt / Oscar Capezio / Lee Chang Ming / Geoffrey Cher / Natalie Chin / Weixin Chong / Clelia Colantonio / Melanie Coles / Lidia Ginga Cozzupoli / Naomi Fitzsimmons / Amelia Groom / Kanchana Gupta / Sophie Sleigh – Johnson / Geraldine Kang / Wan Xiang Lee / Tan Guo Liang / Scarlett Lingwood / Lynn Lu / Hajar Manaf / Mintio + Kabul / Duane Nasis / Loizos Olympios / Rachel Pafe / Corinna Triantafyllidis / Alexandra Wolf / Leonard Yang